Fix "[Errno 32] Broken pipe" in Python

One day, I’ve tried to run a python script using the multiprocessing technique and for a while the program crashed and raised the [Errno 32] Broken pipe error…


One day, I’ve tried to run a python script using multiprocessing technique n_jobs=10 and for a while the program crashed and raised the [Errno 32] Broken pipe error. With some google searches I founded the problem as well the solution for it.

“Broken pipe” is essentially an IOError error (short for input/output error), which happened at the Linux system level. It usually occurs when reading and writing files, or in other words, doing file input/output or network input/output (via sockets) 1.

In programs that uses worker processes to speed up processing and make use of multi-core CPUs, you can try reducing the number of the worker processes to see whether the error disappear or not 1.

From that suggestion, I reduced n_jobs=10 to n_jobs=5 and boom, the error got disappeared.

Le Minh Nguyen (nguyenlm)
Le Minh Nguyen (nguyenlm)
Research Engineer

A Software Engineer loves NLP & Speech Technology.

